Friday, February 22, 2013

Back on the Wagon!

It would appear that I've been checked out of this blog for almost two years. During those two years I did, in fact, complete my Senior Collection and graduate, and move on to a job in my field. So it's been pretty great. But I haven't sewn a lick.

And I miss sewing.


I have determined (again) to finish these costumes! My current goal? The Jane Austen Festival in Louisville, KY. The page for the Regency Society organizing the event is HERE. This festival is July 20-21, so that gives me almost exactly three months to do a lot. I need to put together all the peices for Kenny's ensemble, and almost all the peices for a couple of outfits for myself (I have a corset and shift... but the last time I tried on the corset I was a little 17-year-old. I'm not exactly the same shape I was then!).

I need to start next to the skin and work my way out, so that means 1)making a shirt for Kenny. The shirt that I began is tucked away in some box or bag (we have moved twice since then), but I know that it is somewhere around my house. I just need to locate it.

I've also started doing a little research for accessories. Kenny will need some [women's] boots, preferably two-tone. I've done some ebay-ing and etsy-ing and have turned up a few options, now I just have to take the plunge and buy some. Current tentative plan: ebay some black, knee-high, pull-on boots and trim the top to a Hessian boot shape, throw on a trim and tassel, and that would work for walking around during the day. Kenny will ALSO need some slippers to dance in. He probably isn't going to be delighted about that. Woops. Poor fella married the wrong woman if he was hoping for a sexy historic impression.

For myself? Pointy-toed slippers (from Target! There are some great yellow flats I have my eye on, that I would decorate) and coral beads.

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